Unterstützung nach Feier des 25-jährigen Jubiläums

  • Hallo zusammen,

    Ich werde im Juni an Ihrer Veranstaltung teilnehmen, das ist der Plan. Ich habe auch vor, zwei Wochen später an der schwedischen Rallye teilzunehmen. Obwohl mein erster Gedanke war, auf einer Schnellstraße hin und her zu fahren, wäre das zu lang und zu riskant. Ich dachte, ich hätte vielleicht die Möglichkeit, mein 2000 irgendwo in Hamburg zu lassen, das noch am selben Tag, an dem die Veranstaltung endet, erreichbar ist. So kann ich am Mittwoch fliegen und am nächsten Tag weiter nach Vårgårda fliegen. Gibt es jemanden in der Nähe dieser Gegend? Es wäre auch schön, einen Flughafen in der Nähe zu haben, von dem aus man nach Spanien zurückfliegen könnte.

    Danke schön!


    Hello everyone,

    I'll attend your event in June, that's the plan. I also plan to attend the Swedish rally two weeks later. Although my first thought was to drive back and forth in an expressway, that would be too long and too risky. I thought I may have the option to leave my 2000 somewhere in Hamburg, which is reachable the same day the event ends. That way I can fly on Wednesday and continue to Vårgårda the next day. Is there anyone near that area? It would also be nice to have an airport near to fly back to Spain.

    Thank you!

    Julio Lescano Carroll - VRA International Webmaster

    Vulcan Owners Club Spain - Vasinhell
    Tel.: (+34) 609 513 786

  • The location for the 25th anniversary is near Chemnitz, which is approx. 480km from Hamburg. The nearby airports are Leipzig (LEJ) 100km or Dresden (DRS) 85km, Berlin (BER) 245km.

    But I probably wouldn't fly for > €225 and 6 hours via Frankfurt/M (FRA).

    The ICE (train) connection is quite good (Hamburg-Leipzig) about €70 and about 6 hours.

    I live about 45km west of Leipzig and about 100km from the event location. I can offer you to come to us on Sunday, bike to the garage and on Monday someone will take you to Leipzig airport and of course pick you up again.

    But I can't really interpret your route and timing correctly.

    Why Hamburg? Are you coming to Hamburg with your 2000 by plane or ship?

    If you are traveling by road, please put it here as precisely as possible, with a timetable.

    Maybe we can find cheap overnight stays with the shortest detours via the members or other routes.

    Otherwise you will receive a military planned route from me. 😉


    „Menschenverstand ist viel seltener, als man denkt.“ Friedrich II., der Große (1712 - 1786), preußischer König, 25. Januar 1777

    VROC: 39177


  • Hello Andy, thank you for your answer. My plan was to drive from Madrid to the Vulcanier Rally, and back home. Two days ride to go, two days ride to return. Then, about 14 days later rode from Madrid to Sweden. Although it's doable, I will have to service the bike in between and probable change the tires. To avoid that, I want to go somewhere near Hamburg because The plan is to fly back on Wednesday, sleep, and start on Thursday to get the same day to the event.

    From Hamburg, it's 700km plus ferry so it will take most of the day to ride. If I add more kilometers, then more time. Another option would be Rostock.

    Julio Lescano Carroll - VRA International Webmaster

    Vulcan Owners Club Spain - Vasinhell
    Tel.: (+34) 609 513 786

  • Hello Julio,

    thank you for your brief comments.

    When planning the route, I thought about something more precise. Madrid-Hamburg is about 2,200 km, that in 2 days? I think a distance of around 800-900km/day makes sense, that would be 3 days to Hamburg.

    I don't have a clear picture of your route in my head, so I still have a few questions in my mind; When would you like to start from home, where and when would you like to stay overnight?

    I assume your plan is: on Tue.11.06. /Wed. 12.06. in Madrid start on Friday June 14th. to be in Hamburg or Limbach-Oberfrohna. 14 days later, on Wed.03.07. do you want to fly from Madrid - to the motorbike - on Thursday July 4th to set off for Vargada.

    Now the questions arise; Where do you park the bike between Sun.17.06. until Wed 04.07. Does it need new tires and what's the best way to get there?

    Is it correct that way?

    Madrid-Limbach is also 2,200km (Bordeaux/ Pointiers/ Orleans/ Metz/ Saarbrücken/ Frankfurt-M./ Gießen/ Erfurt/ Chemnitz).

    One possibility would be if our Berliners could support, drive With them from Limbach to Berlin, taking the flight from Berlin/Madrid and back and the journey to Vagarda from Berlin... (Berlin-Rostock 245km / ⛴️ / Gedser-Vargada 492-525km). I'm scheduling others again....., sorry...🙄

    „Menschenverstand ist viel seltener, als man denkt.“ Friedrich II., der Große (1712 - 1786), preußischer König, 25. Januar 1777

    VROC: 39177


  • Hello Andy,

    I was planning to leave Madrid on Tuesday after work so I could get to the French border that night. I think I'll be riding through Chalon-sur-Saône to get to Stuttgart on Thursday evening to see some relatives. Riding from there to the rally.

    I was checking my holiday calendar and I might have a chance to spend one more day when coming back, meaning I could do the ride to Sweden in two days. That's still on HOLD. I'll also contact the Danish/Swedish chapters for that part of the trip. Then, riding back from Sweden to Spain in 3 days maximum.

    Julio Lescano Carroll - VRA International Webmaster

    Vulcan Owners Club Spain - Vasinhell
    Tel.: (+34) 609 513 786

  • Hi Julio, i´ll try to wake up some of the guys of the "Vikings"-chapter (hopefully around Hamburg). May be one of them can support You.

    Grüße von Django
    Outside -CEO

    Le ciel est mon drapeau

  • Hi Julio, i´ll try to wake up some of the guys of the "Vikings"-chapter (hopefully around Hamburg). May be one of them can support You.

    I'm sorry for the delay. I don't get messages from replies and some contacted me directly. Work has been a nightmare these days and I completely forgot to recheck my thread.

    So, Tints and Evilyvi contacted me. Also, bohmhauer messaged me in the first place right after I posted the message in the forum. I'm looking for the best connection but I guess I'll go to Hannover as I can spare one more day on the way back.

    See You in Sweden!

    See you there!

    Julio Lescano Carroll - VRA International Webmaster

    Vulcan Owners Club Spain - Vasinhell
    Tel.: (+34) 609 513 786

  • Just booked the flight from/to Hannover Airport. See you soon!

    Julio Lescano Carroll - VRA International Webmaster

    Vulcan Owners Club Spain - Vasinhell
    Tel.: (+34) 609 513 786